In continuation of article 32 previous to this, we see how to fetch the playlistItems in a playlist. As per the API a playlistItem can contain different kinds of data, but so far, it only comprises of video elements. Which means that each playlistItem will have the same fields as a video viz.title, description, publishedAt, videoId etc.
The logic to get playlistItems is the same as getting videos from a channel. Each request can get a maximum of 50 items. There is no option to sort the items on any field. And in case there are more playlists available, the nextPageToken will contain the token to do the next fetch request.
The Request URL is
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playListItems
Sample code to fetch the playlistItems of a PlayList.
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING ^ E_DEPRECATED);
set_time_limit(60 * 3);
$g_youtubeDataAPIKey = "xxx";
$output = "";
$channelId = "UC5_j0dmvXE0xs6ra-clGz4A";
$playlistId = "PLC98ABC853EAEFD7F";
// make api request
$url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=snippet&playlistId=" .
$playlistId. "&maxResults=50&key=" . $g_youtubeDataAPIKey;
echo($url . "\n");
//$handle = fopen('php://temp', 'w+');
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Codular Sample cURL Request',
$resp = curl_exec($curl);
if ($resp) {
$json = json_decode($resp);
if ($json) {
$nextPageToken = $json->nextPageToken;
$total = $json->pageInfo->totalResults;
$items = $json->items;
echo("nextpage=" . $nextPageToken . "<br>total=" . $total . "<br>items=" . count($items));
foreach($items as $item) {
$videoId = $item->snippet->resourceId->videoId;
$videoTitle = $item->snippet->title;
$videoDesc = $item->snippet->description;
$thumbnail= $item->snippet->thumbnails->high->url;
$rawDate = $item->snippet->publishedAt;
$output .= $videoId . ", " . $videoTitle . "," . $rawDate . "\n";
// second level search using nextpage token
echo("<br><h2>Second phase</h2><br>");
while ($nextPageToken != null) {
$url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&channelId=" .
$channelId. "&maxResults=50&order=date&type=video&" .
"&pageToken=" . $nextPageToken . "&key=" . $g_youtubeDataAPIKey;
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Codular Sample cURL Request',
$resp = curl_exec($curl);
if ($resp) {
$json = json_decode($resp);
if ($json) {
$nextPageToken = $json->nextPageToken;
$total = $json->pageInfo->totalResults;
$items = $json->items;
echo("nextpage=" . $nextPageToken . "<br>total=" . $total .
"<br>items=" . count($items));
foreach($items as $item) {
$videoId = $item->snippet->resourceId->videoId;
$videoTitle = $item->snippet->title;
$videoDesc = $item->snippet->description;
$thumbnail= $item->snippet->thumbnails->high->url;
$rawDate = $item->snippet->publishedAt;
$output .= $videoId . ", " . $videoTitle . "," . $rawDate . "\n";
} // foreach
} // if $resp
// sometimes pagetoken is filled but no items are fetched , in such a case stop the code
if (count($items) == 0)
$nextPageToken = null;
} // while $nextPageToken
} // if $resp || incremental
else {
exit("Youtube api request did not work");
It is assumed that the code will be run on the command so the output uses newline and tab symbols for basic formatting. You can use html tags if the code will be run in a browser. Here is some part of the output:
https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=snippet&playlistId=PLC98ABC853EAEFD7F&maxResults=50&key=AIzaSyAJrlFVIJEP0ZgT9tMCJZp_ILy6MsjGhTA nextpage=<br>total=25<br>items=25<br><h2>Second phase</h2><br>C1ttJju1RKc, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) - 01 Struttura del corso,2011-12-31T07:55:09Z cblRxEP9wo0, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 02 Struttura. Identificatori. Principali errori.,2011-12-31T07:55:09Z wgXtF-R1trU, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 03 Unit. Crt. Uso dell'Help. Colori. Costanti. Un esercizio.,2011-12-31T14:44:54Z PGRj2Cp4Uz4, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 04 Ciclo FOR. Assegnamenti. Debugger.,2011-12-31T19:52:34Z bpOwOS6-2v4, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 05 Cicli annidati. Input da tastiera. Numeri casuali. Delay.,2012-01-01T16:35:50Z kA672A0dwKo, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 06 Ciclo Repeat. Contatori. If ... then. Break point condizionali.,2012-01-01T20:44:27Z rEq7FDuvhTw, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 07 Condizioni and/or, for vs repeat,2012-01-01T20:44:01Z 7G9Wm8ZZk60, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 08 cicli annidati, if in cascata, numeri casuali, while,2012-01-01T21:27:17Z LJdHv-BRaLI, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 09 Gioco dei dadi, case of,2012-01-01T22:22:17Z SCxJPsgPxFo, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 10 Esercizi e dispensa,2012-01-02T19:33:09Z ZU95iarF1EE, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 11 Complessità del sw, top down, sottoprogrammi,2012-01-03T16:33:51Z JkkGblGkQu0, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 12 Procedure e funzioni,2012-01-04T23:51:07Z k3lvR2DwDsU, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 13 Array, algoritmi classici con gli array,2012-01-05T21:07:49Z NiZjoutMgVw, Corso Pascal (Turbo/FPC) 14 Array bidimensionali (matrici) ed algoritmi classici,2012-01-06T22:25:39Z fz_VIyowkVo, Corso Pascal - 15 (Turbo/FPC) Record,2012-01-08T19:28:01Z MN8CDG4B0_w, Corso Pascal 16 (Turbo/FPC) File di testo,2012-01-11T16:49:51Z B1puG7xgyK4, Corso Pascal 17 (Turbo/FPC) File Tipizzati,2012-01-11T18:45:33Z YiQo0JcUIQM, Corso Pascal 18 (Turbo/FPC) Puntatori, RAM dinamica,2012-01-12T22:22:42Z OzuJSQMrFew, Corso Pascal 19 (Turbo/FPC) Ricorsione,2012-01-14T22:38:03Z R40FaRUBxks, Corso Pascal 20 (Turbo/FPC) Alberi binari con puntatori,2012-01-15T09:56:14Z asd6O3NQ_mI, Corso Pascal 21 (Turbo/FPC) Torre di Hanoi in dettaglio (ricorsione),2012-01-15T10:25:33Z PuRFjD2h5Wk, Corso Pascal 22 (Turbo/FPC) Grafica,2012-01-18T16:06:56Z PyQwGhqidm0, Video Corso Pascal - 23 (Turbo e FPC),2012-01-19T21:00:27Z lBB3Y0NXxkA, Corso Pascal 25 (Turbo/FPC) Usare l'editor 'al massimo',2012-01-22T12:08:09Z ulL__tpzAKk, Corso Pascal - Ed ora??,2012-01-24T19:14:31Z
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