DZone informed me in late 2012,that I was one of the top contributors in 2012, and as a mark of appreciation, they were sending me some free gifts.
I got the parcel today and I was very pleased to receive it. Consider the fact that I am in India and DZone took the trouble of sending me the parcel all the way from USA, at their own cost. That fact itself speaks very highly of them.
What I got:
- A black T-shirt with <dev> written in large white letters and the DZone logo on the sleeve.
- A stack of DZone monogrammed notes
- Foam darts with two shooters, as part of a game called ICBM (Inter Cubicle Ballistic Missiles) to fire at your colleagues in office
- A PDA/smartphone holder from Data Nerd
- Hard copies of various Ref cards
Thanks a lot , DZone. I hope others also get motivated to submit more posts after reading this article.
They didn’t send you a puppy? http://jobtipsforgeeks.com/2013/01/23/a-quick-thanks-to-dzone/
Dave, No such luck 🙂
I’d send you mine but we’ve become attached after he became an internet celebrity. http://imgur.com/OMoTZbB Looking forward to reading your work on DZone, keep up the good work! 🙂
Thanks Dave. Much appreciated.