- Since the official Ubuntu repository is likely to have a dated wxWidgets version , the best option is to download the source code and compile it
- From https://www.wxwidgets.org/downloads/ under Latest Development Release click on Source for Linux, MacOS etc.
- This will download the tar file. Unzip the archive into a folder eg wxGTK.
- Make sure the basic development libraries are already present on the system: sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev build-essential checkinstall
- Make the unzipped directory as current eg. cd /var/wxGTk
- Create a directory to build the library and start the build process:
mkdir gtk-build
cd gtk-build/
- Configure the build flags and run configure followed by make
../configure --disable-shared --enable-unicode
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
- Test the configuration with the following commands:
wx-config --version
wx-config --list
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