A set is an unordered collection of mixed data types. No duplicates can be there in a set. Sets are declared by enclosing the items in curly brackets with each item separated by a comma.
The following operators work on sets
- in – membership
- len – length
- | – or
- & – and
- – – minus
- <= – equivalence
They are examined in detail below:
in – membership
Checks if an item exists in the set
len – length of set
Returns the length of a set. If set has no items then the length is zero
| – logical or set1 | set2
Combines items of set1 and set2 to create a new set with all the elements of both the sets. Duplicates are ignored
& – logical and set1 & set2
Combines items of set1 and set2 to create a new set with only the common elements in both the sets
– minus set1 – set2
Returns all the items in set1 which are not in set2
<= equivalence set1 <= set2
Checks whether all items in set1 are in set2
Sets also support methods which are the same as their mathematical counterparts, which are shown below:
- union
- intersection
- difference
- issubset
- add
- remove
- pop
- clear
union – set1.union(set2)
Returns elements from both set1 and set2. Duplicates are ignored
intersection – set1.intersection(set1)
Returns only common elements from both set1 and set2.
difference – set1.difference(set2)
Returns elements in set1 which are not in set2.
issubset – set1.issubset(set2)
Returns True if all elements of set1 are in set2, else False
add – set1.add(item)
Adds an item to a set. If an item already exists it is not added
remove – set1.remove(item)
Removes an item from the set. If item does not exist then an error is thrown
pop – set1.pop()
Removes an arbitrary item from the set. Since a set is not ordered, there is no guarantee on which item will be removed
clear – set1.clear()
Removes all the elements from a set
The last collection we will look at are dictionaries.
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